Accessible Outdoor Spaces
Regardless of the homeowner's physical abilities, the experts at HomeAid will design an outdoor space that is safe and welcoming. This will encourage the homeowner to be more active while enjoying the benefits of spending time outdoor.
Independent and safe access to outdoor spaces can be critical to a homeowner's happiness and overall well being as they age-in-place. The ability to venture outdoors to enjoy a beautiful day has numerous benefits. It can keep the homeowner from feeling isolated and encourages them to be more active, which is critical to staying healthy. In addition, natural sunlight has numerous proven positive affects on one's mood and mental health.
Despite the benefits of being outside many aging-in-place homeowners do not feel safe leaving their home to enjoy outdoor spaces. Those that do often find their yards are not designed in a way that encourages them to be active, or spend enough time outdoors. At HomeAid we strongly encourage our clients to put ample resources into designing outdoor spaces that are easily accessible, functional and safe so they can enjoy the benefits of being outdoors.
Here are some considerations when designing an outdoor space:
Replace patio or deck stairs with a ramp or lift.
Slip resistant applications to patios and decks.
Areas of shade so the homeowner can avoid direct sunlight when needed.
Leveling the yard and removing trip hazards such as exposed roots.
Planting beds, or boxes for homeowners that enjoy yard work.
Raised garden beds for homeowners that enjoy gardening.
A sitting garden designed uniquely for the homeowner.